Always Be Yourself Unless You Can Be A Cat Then Always Be A Cat Shirt

 All of which is to say, yes, I'm unsurprised by how many White House staffers have fallen ill, especially since they're all working in a notoriously cramped office space and taking absolutely no precautions against infection. It's no wonder this is nearly impossible to contain with the lack of discipline Americans have for mask wearing and social distancing. By the time they start having a light cough it's been nearly a week since they went to Hobby Lobby to pick up a bedazzler refill and stood in line behind that little kid with the sniffles. Because they didn't give a shit and weren't paying attention about all the places they went or who they interacted with, they have no idea where they got it or who they've given it to. And so on, and so on, and so on...

Buy it: Always Be Yourself Unless You Can Be A Cat Then Always Be A Cat Shirt

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